August Update

Hello all,

I haven't written in a while, so I thought I would give you an update (especially since many of you apparently received  an email from Mom promising some news...)

I sat down last Monday with every intention of writing a post, but this week has gotten away from me!

We are very close to opening the office, and we hope that we can move in on Monday. We just need internet and Samia (our office manager) and I have been harassing all the workers all week to make sure that we are a functioning office by Monday.

In addition to work being crazy busy, I spent most evenings apartment hunting with my friend Lauren. She actually went to Cairo with Amara in freshman year at AU and was working in Libya until about 2 weeks ago. Her company pulled her from Tripoli after security deteriorated and gave her about a week to move to Tunis. I've been helping where I can, since I've been through most of what she has to deal with.

Along the way, I found a new apartment for myself! I will sign the contract on Monday and should be moving next weekend. The location is not quite as good, but I love the apartment, so I think it will be worth it. This will be the 5th apartment in 2 years for me, so I'm hoping to stay for more than a few months! Pictures will come soon...

Many of you have probably seen the news about Tunis by now. Last night started out a week long series of protests to pressure the ruling party to step down. Here's an article on last night's protests:

So far, it has been peaceful, but it's unclear what this week will bring. Ennahdha doesn't seem to have any intention of giving up power. I'll try to keep you all updated as things progress.

I also haven't written since my friend Jessica came to visit at the beginning of August. It was wonderful to host someone who hadn't seen Tunis before, because we went out and explored more than I have in a while. There are a few pictures below. I also went sailing with some of my friends and their families. It was beautiful and was only ruined by there being huge jelly fish in the water so we couldn't swim. It continues to be consistently in the high 90s here, so getting out on the water is very welcome.

I miss you all and love getting all the messages. Keep them coming!


Jess and I at Carthage

Sidi Bou Said at Sunset

Sailing next to the Sidi Bou Said Harbor

Ariel SB